Scanned by Robert Burtt, translated (as well as possible, considering...) by Fred Duck
Beautiful planets like Zora were always naturally surrounded like this, weren't they?

Yuu #1:
Saya, is it all right to be saying such comfortable things?

Yuu #2:
The plate led us to Zora. Because you used your telepathy, we can see what awaits us.

Ah...but if there are really dangerous things, we shouldn't restrict ourselves!

Besides, at times like these, you protect me!

P-pardon me, Saya...

Right border:
Cosmic Fantasy Fan correspondence

"Joke from Ochi" New work of the series.
(The voice of the person in charge)

How terrible, Ochi-sensei's manuscript has a punchline!!
(Tokyo Metropolitan Area/Cosmic World)

From the Edit Manager, "Indeed, these can't become jokes, can they? Heh heh heh."

However, I also like Mai.
(Tokushimaken*/Kyougoku [Kazumi/Itsumi] is of a marriageable age.)

Ever wonder why it took so long to get this past page 4? I kept looking at this page and saying to myself, 'I don't know 70% of this grammar!...why am I doing this?' ^_^; Most of the words seem to be right.

Arrrrrrgh~! This is the worst page yet...

And in case you're wondering what's going on with that bizarre "Cosmic Fantasy correspondence" translation, the writers are identified in italics. As for Mr. Kyougoku, 1) There are two possible ways to romanize his name and 2) apparently, he's written in an earlier correspondence section.

*prefecture on the island of Shikoku.
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